Saturday, July 27, 2024
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How to be Involved

There are many ways to be involved in our school...

 Parents & Friends Community

The aim of this parent group is –
• to raise funds required to equip, furnish and provide additional resources for our school,
• to organize social functions for families, and
• to organize parents to work on the various committees needed in our school.

Meetings are held on the second and seventh Thursday of each term at 7.30 pm. Attendance at these meetings is a wonderful way of getting to know other parents and to show your interest in your child's school. Parents are expected to participate, as this parent community group needs considerable support for fundraising. Our school would not operate nearly as effectively without monetary assistance from our Parents & Friends Community!

Classroom helpers

There are many opportunities to help out in our classrooms. Classroom teachers will often ask for help with hearing reading, classroom activities or for excursions. At other times, the school may need helpers for various activities - if you are able, please help out!
